Main | Television Series | 1983 Anime Series
TV Anime (37 Eps) Kaname Production TBS
Sci Fi
Summer 1983

Plawres Sanshiro

Sanshiro Sugata is a young boy who owns a PlaWrestler miniature robot equipped with a super LSI circuit named Juohmaru. As he battles against other PlaWrestlers in tournaments that resemble a combination of professional wrestling and robot battles, Sanshiro grows as a competitor by developing stronger strategies and better improvements to Juohmaru. Eventually, Sanshiro uncovers a plot by shadowy figures who want to utilize PlaWrestler technology for military purposes instead.

OP: Yume Operation P.M.P.1 by Keiichi Katagiri
ED: Craft Love by Keiichi Katagiri

Availability: English Fansubs

Related Media
Plawres Sanshiro (1982 Manga)